Friday, October 29, 2010

Tomato Paste

I'm not going to argue that all tomato paste taste the same so by the cheapest....that's just not true.  The taste depends on where the growing fields are, whether they ripened on the vine or were picked green, how quickly they were processed...lots goes into a good tasting paste.  I'm going to tell you something else.... Do you know what tomato paste is?  All it is is tomato sauce with the water removed!  There are recipes where you need paste and some where you need sauce. Never buy cans of sauce.  One small can of tomato paste, diluted in water, makes two 16oz cans of sauce. Now, I've seen tomato paste on sale for as little as .22 cents a can. That's very little to pay for good sauce. The easiest way to dilute it is to put the contents in a blender, add four cups of water, and turn it on....Or, if you"re making spagetti sauce just dump it all in the pot and stir.
I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and I'm getting the prices of all the things I've talked about since this blog began (I know, just three) and I'll show you the savings. I think you'll be surprised.

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